Sunday 8 September 2013

Back to School 2013

With the help of Pinterest, my classroom design has really taken a turn towards more student independence.  The following are some pictures taken this year from just before school start.

To store little things I use daily I purchased a tool storage box at Canadian Tire.  I made sure to get one with multi size drawers.  So far I have filed my usual supplies away and I'll add to it as needed.

A view of my desk.

This is the drop zone.  Students can drop off forms/notes for me in the top blue tray.  They also can get extra notices in the 2nd tray.  Below there are bins for lost and found, library books, and work to be handed in.  I have also stocked the area with a tissue box and hand sanitizer.

New this year, a Help Wanted chart.  I made job postings and job applications.  Students will apply for classroom jobs they like.  Each job has a salary based on tickets I give out.  Students get paid on Friday.  They can purchase special treats in class such as using a special chair, or choosing the game in gym class.  I will also have a bank ledger for students who want to store their money.

Behaviour Chart:  This has clothespins on it with each students name.  The pins move up and down during the day based on behaviour.

Since I number my students this magnet chart works well for bathroom, drinks and office trips.  Students simply move their magnet to the right place.  Now I know where they are and it frees up my white board.

No name?  No problem.  Just pin the work up and have them find it later.  No need for a bin or magnets.

What is the noise expectation?  Easy to see now.

I found these foam letters at Michaels.  Attached a magnet or two.  Now when the class is too noisy I put one letter up as a reminder.  If I spell Noise...then silence begins!

Moved my picture books to a new location.  I also store the book hospital here.  I also have a deli system in my classroom.  Students take a number when they need help.  That way I don't get a line up at my desk and students get my undivided attention.

Clipboard holder from Really Good Stuff.  Also storing extra supplies.

Great idea from Pinterest, pom pom glued onto dry erase markers make a quick and easy eraser!

Students store all their supplies in their own cubby.  I moved them to the front this year because it has more space than the previous location.

The shout out box allows students to write nice notes for each other.

Chapter book corner.

The following are views around the classroom.

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